Browse Tag: digital photography

How to Resize Your Photos for your Website

One of the most common task performed by our Batch Imaging Application is the process of Downsizing Photos. Today’s digital camera can take pictures of tens of mega pixels which is great for viewing on the local computer and for printing as it contains a lot of minute details. However, these pictures are huge especially if you want them to be placed on your website or even to send over email.

In this tutorial, we will explore the Downsize by Pixels resizing method which will resize a picture down to a much smaller dimension. A pixel represents a single dot on the screen and the size of the pixel can vary from display to display. Modern phones and high definition displays can packed in more dots per inch than ever before. However, we use Pixels as that is the parameters uses in digital photography.

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Why You should rotate your Jpeg photos losslessy

JPEG is argumentatively the most popular image formats uses for digital photography. It is so because compression they use which results in an impressive reduction of file size which makes it appropriate where size matters particularly where storage media is costly or small like in the case of digital cameras and for the use on the internet where bandwidth may be slow or costly. Now that we are in the age where speed is everything, waiting too long for a web page to download because of huge image may cause your visitors to move away to somewhere else.

Of course now, professional digital cameras do offer saving photos in the RAW format but that would result in about 10x the space needed to store a typical jpeg photo. RAW format has its purpose where quality is everything.

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