Browse Tag: Load Files

Batch JPEG Rotator v2.21 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of Batch JPEG Rotator v2.21.

This update has been updated under the hood under the new compiler. It also includes several bug fixes as follows

  • Fixed the missing Scrollbar
  • Fixed an issue when the File Listing only shows the first entry when using Load Files

Batch It v6.23 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of Batch It v6.23. This is a maintenance update which turn off the theming for the dialogs which may interfere with the Load Files and Load Folders operations.

If you are facing crashes when the above mentioned issue, please download and install this update from

Multiple Ways to Load the List of Files and Saving them

The applications that we built, be it for the Windows or the Mac platforms, are batch processing tools and as such, it comes with the ability to load one or more files at a time.

The core methods for loading files to the list includes

  • Load Files
  • Load Folders
  • Drag and Drop

You will see the first two options on the button control bar.

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