Multiple Ways to Load the List of Files and Saving them
The applications that we built, be it for the Windows or the Mac platforms, are batch processing tools and as such, it comes with the ability to load one or more files at a time.
The core methods for loading files to the list includes
- Load Files
- Load Folders
- Drag and Drop
You will see the first two options on the button control bar.
Load Files will allow you to pick out one or more files you want to include in the list. This is particularly helpful if you do not need to include everything in that folder. Our applications will filter the file types that they can handle so you would not need to worry about including formats it cannot handle.
Load Folders on the other hand will let you pick the folder and will load all the supported files from that folder. Some applications will also prompt you if you want to include sub folders to the list. One caveat is that if your sub folders contains copies of the same files, it will also be listed in there.
Drag and Drop lets you pick files from Windows Explorer (on Windows) and Finder (on OS X) and you can just drop them into the File Listing. Supported Files will be included to the list.
Loading from a CSV and TXT File
Our Batch It Ultra offers yet another way to include files and that is through a CSV or TXT file. You can use the Load Files to load the CSV or TXT file containing the listing of files. This option can be particularly useful when you want to add custom text captions or customized file names for each file. Of course you can do all that from within the application but if your list is automatically generated by an in-house or third party application or through a spreadsheet, it will be a useful method to use.
The CSV or TXT file would need to be of a certain format and the supported format includes
- Original Filename
- Original Filename, New Filename
- Original Filename, Text Caption
- Original Filename, New Filename, Text Caption
In the case of the original filename, if the csv or txt file is found in the same folder as the actual image files, you can omit the file path in your filenames. Batch It Ultra will intelligently scan that folder for the files listing in the csv or txt file and load them. If however the files are located in another folder, you will need to include the full qualifying filename with file paths.
Since Batch It Ultra supports loading from a csv or txt file format, it wouldn’t be complete if it didn’t support saving such file too. You can bring up the contextual menu by clicking on the right-most mouse button and select the Save options to save the file listing to csv or txt format where you can work on it in your favorite spreadsheet or text editor.
Retaining Folder Structure
In applications which supports loading from sub folders using the Load Folders or Drag and Drop methods, you will find a checkbox to enable the processed files to retain the original. When this option is checked, instead of all the files being saved in the same folder, the application will recreate the subfolders based on the originals in the main folder listed in the Save In option.
Save In Folder
The Save In Folder is where all the processed images will be saved in. However if you want to be able to have the application overwrite and replaced the original files after processing, just type in [Source Folder] inside the Save In box or use the dropdown menu to select that option (as and where applicable). This macro will tell the application to use the original file path to save the images in.