Browse Tag: Load Folders

JBatch It v6.36 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of JBatch It v6.36

The following are the changes in this update

  • Reworked the loading file listing. Now the list is progressively updated instead of loading only when it is fully loaded and Dates updated.
  • Fixed a bug which causes the EXIT button to shift when maximizing the application
  • Fixed a bug when using Load Folders to include a blank entry
  • Fixed bug which allows non-supported files to be dragged to the application

ComboTIFF Pro v2.17 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of ComboTIFF Pro v2.17. This is a bug fix release

  • Improved Support for Load Folders method
  • Improved Checking to prevent faulty images from loading and crashing the application

ComboTIFF for Windows v2.18 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of ComboTIFF for Windows v2.18.

This is a bug fix release which fixes the following

  • Improved Support for Load Folders method
  • Fixed bug which shows “Resizing from [x] x [x] to 0 x 0” when Resizing Method is set to “As Is”
  • Improved Checking to prevent faulty images from loading and crashing the application

Batch It v6.23 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate release of Batch It v6.23. This is a maintenance update which turn off the theming for the dialogs which may interfere with the Load Files and Load Folders operations.

If you are facing crashes when the above mentioned issue, please download and install this update from

Multiple Ways to Load the List of Files and Saving them

The applications that we built, be it for the Windows or the Mac platforms, are batch processing tools and as such, it comes with the ability to load one or more files at a time.

The core methods for loading files to the list includes

  • Load Files
  • Load Folders
  • Drag and Drop

You will see the first two options on the button control bar.

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JBatch It v6.05 and Batch It v6.04 Released

We are pleased to announce the release of JBatch It v6.05 and Batch It v6.04 with immediate effect.

This update fixes a critical bug which causes the Retain SubFolder Structure not to be respected when using Load Folders and when Use Filename Changer Only is checked.

iRedSoft Image Resizer v5.05, JBatch It v6.04, Batch It 6.03 and Batch It Pro v5.04 Released

We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of the above mentioned applications. These update fixes a critical bug which causes the “Retain Sub Folder” when used with “Load Folders” not to work as planned. All the processed images are saved in the defined Save In Folder instead of their respective sub folders.

The Retain SubFolder method works only if you use Load Folders and at the same time, have the application load all sub folders.