Harnessing the Power of EXIF Rotation
It might be hard to believe but there was a point of time when digital cameras cannot sense when you rotate them to take portrait photos and in the case of a smart phone, landscape pictures. Now all modern cameras come equipped with an orientation sensor and store this orientation information inside the JPEG File header or more technically known as the Exif header. Exif stands for Exchangeable image file format.
On a smart phone such as the iPhone, the photos will always show up in the right orientation because the built-in photo viewers read this settings but when posting the pictures to websites, it may not show up correctly and thus doing a real orientation change is needed.
This is important change as our batch imaging processing software takes advantage of EXIF Orientation data to automatically readjust the orientation of the photos and also set up the correct thumbnail which is embedded inside the Exif header. All of which can be done automatically for you.
Before loading any files to the Control Center, do ensure that the AutoDetect Orientation via EXIF box is checked as below.
What this will do is to have the underlying software open up the EXIF header, if any and check if the Orientation Settings is available and if so, determine the right method to readjust the photos.
However, not all image files will have this EXIF detail, particularly scanned documents or photos taken with digital cameras that does not support this settings. If that is the case, you will need to manually determine the orientation of the photos. In the Control Center, you will see a column called Orientation which will show the needed orientation change for each photo if they are needed. You can manually adjust this by bringing up the dropdown box in that specific column and pick the orientation you want.

Alternatively, there are additional options to set all the photos on the list orientation at one go or to be able to select which photos you need. Just bring up the contextual menu from within the File Listing in the Control Center (this can be evoked by pressing the right mouse button).

If however you only need to pick a few photos then hold down the CTRL button and use the mouse left button to click on the photos you want to rotate. They will be highlighted. Once you are done with the selection, evoke the Contextual Menu as above and select Set Selected Orientation to and pick the orientation you want.
In fact if the photos have the EXIF orientation tag in the header to perform this Exif rotation, all you need to do is to load the list of photos up and click the Start button and you will get the photos nicely rotated in no time. The manual orientation override function is just there if you need them.
Batch EXIF Orientation function can be found in Batch It Ultra, Batch It Pro, Batch It, JBatch It, iRedSoft Image Resizer and Batch JPEG Rotator.
We hope that you find this tutorial useful and if you have any suggestions on other topics you want covered, we will be happy to include them here.